Valhalla is under attack by shadows! Use your Alchemy skills to buff your vikings to help them defend!


  • Collect Shadow Essence from fallen enemies 
  • Distill into Reagents at base lab
  • Put reagents in backpack
  • Use reagents in backpack to throw potions on battlefield
  • Win by throwing 10 gold potions at the broken statue (south of base)


  • Mouse: Aim potion
  • Left Click: Throw Potion (Requires 3 reagents)
  • Space: Enter Lab (if close)


  • Armor potion is good against small enemies
  • Disarm potion is good against large enemies or when overwhelmed
  • Disarm + Attack potion can turn the tide even with only 1 Viking
  • Don't waste resources - Vikings will replenish every X second. Sometimes it is better to loose a Viking than waste 3 reagents
  • Be prepared - Having a disarm potion ready can save important seconds!
  • Did you craft wrong reagents? 3 random reagents will have random potion effect!

Link to Game Design Document:

Video Instructions:

Pickup Shadow

Turn Shadow Into Reagent

Add reagent from storage to inventory (check recipes to left)

Throw Potion with Left click

10 Gold potion to Statue will win game

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